Vibrates to the number 5
Astrological sign of Leo
“Stone for Dreaming and Remembering”
This mineral can be used to facilitate contact with impalpable entities via the visualization process and through meditation. It provides for contact with the entity as determined by the direction of the user; the direction of the user being determined by a conscious decision or an unconscious desire.
It can be used to multiply energy and to enhance one’s protective fields. It is quite effective during use as one of the stones in gridding operations; use of Prehnite in a grid which is designed to produce calmness, brings a structure of coherence to the environment; use of the stone to compliment a grid and to encourage visitation by those of extra-terrestrial origin, provides for a structure of protection and strengthens the invitation.
It is a “Stone for Dreaming and Remembering”. It also advances the state of meditation and furthers the avenues available for one during this unencumbered state.